After School Club is now available

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are pleased to tell you that our after school club will start running this Thursday 4th October 2018, 3.00pm – 4.00pm £2.50 per day. Your child will be given a drink and a snack each day.

The club will be run by Mrs Dwane. We are running it initially until the October half term to ensure it is viable, payment should be made on the day or in advance, in cash or cheques payable to NCC – Christ Church Infant School and handed in to the school office, in a named envelope. Please let the school office know each Monday morning which of the days for that week your child will be attending. We will of course be able to take children at short notice.

As Thursday is Harvest Festival at the Church on Holden Crescent we will ensure that any children attending the after school club are walked safely back to the school.

Many thanks,

Mr Palmer

Head of School