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Our EYFS unit is bright and well-resourced and has two large linked internal areas and a dedicated, canopied outside space, benefiting from a recent upgrade to our fixed play equipment. We use both the indoors and outdoors provision daily.
F1 children attend each morning, though the school can offer 30 hours provision. Phonics are taught through the Read Write Inc programme and children’s learning is enhanced by direct teaching and child and adult led focused continuous provision.
In order to promote effective learning, the teaching will provide opportunities and experiences for children to:
In EYFS we use the Development Matters framework to develop positive relationships with each unique child and provide stimulating environments in order to help them learn and develop in their own way. We focus on the characteristics of how children learn and cover the Prime areas of development; Personal, Social and Emotional development, Physical development and Communication and Language. We also teach the specific areas of Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. We do all this through exciting child based topics with a link to quality literature. Our curriculum promotes children’s learning through planned experiences and activities that are challenging but achievable. We aim to use and develop rich and varied language to help children develop linguistic structures for thinking.
We value the working partnership between school and parents and carers. Tapestry is an important link to home and is used to record children’s learning and attainment.
Here at Christchurch Infant School we provide a broad and balanced curriculum in Key Stage 1 with exciting, real-life opportunities to develop knowledge and skills.
We believe children learn better when they are encouraged to use their imagination and apply their learning to engaging contexts. Our curriculum provides many learning challenges throughout the academic year that require children to solve problems, apply themselves creatively and express their knowledge and understanding effectively.
We have also designed a rigorous essential skills framework that outlines the end of year expectations in all subjects. These essential skills are tied to activities and are age-related so that staff can track children’s progress and identify their individual learning needs.
For more information on the curriculum please speak to your child’s teacher.
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For more information about our topics please click on the titles below.