Contact Us 

Phone – 01636 680051
Head Teacher – Mr Lee Harrison 
Office Manager – Mrs Lucy Howson – 

Admin Assistant – Mrs Kristy Sutterby – 

We aim to respond to all emails sent to us within 48 hours during term time. Should your enquiry be urgent please call us on the above number. Thank you

Queries and website information

Please contact Mrs Howson or Mrs Sutterby in the School Office for all queries. If you would like paper copies of anything on our website please ask and this can be provided free of charge. 

To contact the following people, please email the school office with FAO: Head Teacher / SENDCo/ Chair of Governors

Head Teacher: Mrs Lee Harrison

SENDCo: Mrs Lindsey Burn  

Chair of Governors: Mrs Niki Monks


Your feedback and comments are really important in helping the school to continue to improve.  

Ofsted Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think of your child’s school; this can be completed at any time. You can register and give your views below.