Our vision for Christ Church is based on an ‘Ethos Model of Excellence’ as presented in the Christ Church ‘Tree of Excellence’, which has been created from our new school logo (see link to poster below).
The Christ Church Tree of Excellence has its foundations (or roots) growing from OUR CORE PRINCIPLE – that we want all children to experience ‘Life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10). This will enable them to achieve DEEP PERSONAL GROWTH.
Our school ‘DNA’ (Discover, Nurture, Achieve) will support children through this journey of self-discovery and growth.
At the heart of our school are three Christian Values – FAITH, HOPE & LOVE. These form the branches of our tree.
Our vision is to enable children to grow and flourish.
To do this we will provide:
- a culture of ASPIRATION
- a community of OPPORTUNITY; and
- a climate of PARTICIPATION
This will enable our children to embody the biblical verse ‘Let your light shine’ (Matthew 5:16).
Our vision is for our children to leave Christ Church SHINING in all that they do!
Vision Poster.pdf
All about the ‘Ethos Model of Excellence’.pdf
School Vision Summary 2023